Monday, May 21, 2012

Do we really need milk?

I do not like milk, but I am not writing about this as a milk hater, just trying to be logical when it comes to milk contraversy. We, humans are the only ones who drink milk from other species on this planet. Why calf when it is weaned does not drink milk anymore, why we as a humans continue to do so. Is it because we a smart enough to look for other sources of food in order to survive? Does that do us any harm? It is a myth and continuing controversy. I know that my father as a child lived in poor conditions and his mother looked after six children in early 1940`s. It was tough for her and the children survived mainly because they had cows and milk and made cheese from it. Sometimes they did not have anything else to eat but milk or milk cream. My father is in his early 70`s today and very healthy. He had never had a fractured bone in his life, but all of the children were cancer prone, is there any conections to this? I am not sure and we will live not knowing the truth is milk good or not.As for me, I vomit every time I have a sip of milk, I cannot tolerate it since I was a child and to this date I can say that a have a glass of milk once a year honestly and feel very healthy and fit. We have been exposed to adds and articles how milk is important for our bones, growth and we keep giving it to our children, but what we are doing here really. Calcium??? According to new studies green vegetables are most reliable source of calcium. A cup of orange will give you about 300mg of calcium. Please watch this

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