Sunday, June 24, 2012

Who were Annunaki?

For those who read or heard about Zecheria Sitchin, has most probably heard of species called Annunaki. In translation that means ones who came from heaven. This theory is based on assumption that Annunaki came from outter space and genetically formed us, humans. The reason they did that is to have a slave race to mine the gold. In south Africa there are thousands of anicient gold mines found, but rarely you will not find this on news or science magazines for unknown reason, or reason of covering up the archeological finds that can distrupt our religios grounds. Who knows? However, in Sitchin`s books he said they lived for hundreths of years and they even interbreed with humans. And, they left. Did they? Or they are still among us, and if they did why? This is just one of the subject I am reading now, but it so little you can find in libraries. And if this is true, what would happen to our world in terms of recorded history, to our belif systems, what would in our minds. If this is true, I guess it would be fair for humanity to know true origins. In the past couple of years many people have been searching this subject and coming up with different ideas while in the past we just went on with evolution theory.
It seems as a big awekening to me.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

End Of The World 2012 or another hoax?

Since I was a child almost every now and then there were rumours of apocalyptic days ahead of us. So many set days for the end of the world have passed and we are still here, arranging new days and recalculation famous prophets and bible revelations to find some connections to it. Why? There must be reason why we are in a society so prone to predicting things such as doomsday. Do we, as humans feel some changes happening or approaching our beloved planet? Or, we are just so destructive in our minds that cannot simply accept the world will never cease to exist in this or some other forms. From my point of view, cannot really not to question who we are, what is our purpose, where did we came from, where is the beginning and what is reality, is this only our tiny drop of experience, what is our soul, are we all connected to some level, are we all part of the same? I simply cannot not to question and accept everything that has been served to us through education and religious views. I cannot accept the evolution theory that we have been thought at school, cannot accept some views of humankind history that we have been fed for so long. So, I searched and still searching and reading all different theories, and thanks to this tech era and internet we have so much materials on our hands to form our own opinions, if we are really smart and open minded. I have so much to write about, but this post will finish with this: I am not sure if I think the world will face some catastrophic circumstances at the end of this year, but I would say that we would be so foolish not take this given year from so many prophets and Mayan civilisation into account. We would be so blind if we do not think of advanced civilisations that existed 12000 years ago and disappeared with no reasonable explanations. Human recorded history starts from Egyptians, but we have not been told what happened before. We just accepted that homo sapiens just evolved from the cave to pyramids in a few centuries. I am sure that truth is known to many and been hidden from us for many reasons.